Metasploit As we mentioned before, Metasploit is a product of Rapid7 and most of the resources can be found on their web page . It is available in two versions - commercial and free edition. The differences between these two versions is not much hence, in this case we will be using the Community version (free). As an Ethical Hacker, you will be using “Kali Ditribution” which has the Metasploit community version embedded, along with other ethical hacking tools which are very comfortable by saving time of installation. However, if you want to install as a separate tool it is an application that can be installed in the operating systems like Linux, Windows and OS X. First, open the Metasploit Console in Kali. Then, go to Applications → Exploitation Tools → Metasploit. After it starts, you will see the following screen, where the version of Metasploit is underlined in red. In the console, if you use help or ? symbol, it will show you a list with the commands of MSP ...